Academic Jobs Wiki
Galileo facing the Roman Inquisition

Galileo davanti all’Inquisizione (C. Banti, 1857)

What's your Status?[]

Your Current Position[]

PhD in hand, currently unemployed:3

Your Field[]

Medieval: 3

Renaissance: 2

19th: 1

20th: 9

Your Language Background[]

Native speaker: 8


Franklin College, Lugano, Switzerland[]

Assistant Professor of Italian and Modern Languages

Full-time, continuing position in an extended contract system and beginning August 2011, pending funding.

Application deadline: November 10, 2010

-- The job post was cancelled from the JIL before the deadline. Does anybody have news about it?

_ They say they will contact potential candidate requesting additional material by November 15th

--- Any news on this?

---only the strong sense that this is an inside job: see Laura Orsini, currently visiting prof.

UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA[]

Tenure-Track position at Assistant Professor level, to begin July 1, 2011.

Application deadline: November 30, 2010.

Colby College, Waterville ME[]

Assistant Professor of Italian

Non tenure track, continuing

Application Deadline: November 26, 2010

======Dartmouth College , Hanover NH======

Language Program Director

Senior Lecturer, 5 year renewable

Application Deadline: October 20, 2010

- Anybody heard anything from them?

- Preliminary interview scheduled for this weekend at ACTFL convention

- Will they interview at the MLA as well?

- Yes, they'll interview at MLA.

======Dominican University , Illinois======

Assistant Professor of Italian

Tenure Track

--any news on this one?

Eastman School of Music, Rochester NY[]

Assistant Professor of Italian

Non tenure track

Application Deadline: October 31, 2010

--any news on this one?

- MLA interview scheduled by email (12/13) (x2)

======Bucknell University, Lewisburg PA
Assistant Professor======

Tenure Track

Application Deadline: October 15, 2010

Emory University[]


Three year renewable

Application Deadline: November 30, 2010

Gettysburg College[]

Resident Teaching Fellowship

One semester, beginning January 2011. Possibility for one year renewal.

Application Deadline: November 1, 2010

Loyoloa University Maryland[]

Humanities Chair

Two semester appointment, 2011-2012

Application Deadline: November 30, 2010

Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware OH[]

Assistant Professor of Humanities

Tenure track

Application Deadline: November 1, 2010

any news on this one?

San Diego State University, San Diego CA[]

Assistant Professor, European Studies

Tenure track

Application Deadline: October 25, 2010

Univ. of Southern California[]

Assistant Professor, Mediterranean Studies

Tenure track

Application Deadline: November 15, 2010

- MLA Interviews scheduled last week (see French 2010-2011).

On campus interviews underway already.

Search committee voted to offer to a French colonialist, not an Italianist after all.

University of Massachusetts Amherst[]

Assistant Professor

Tenure Track

--candidates will be contacted for MLA interviews in the first 10 days of December (via receipt of materials email, 11/12)

Colorado College, Colorado Springs CO[]

Assistant Professor

Tenure track

Application Deadline: December 1, 2010

Ack of received material via e-mail. They will contact finalists for interview in December (12/1)

Has anyone else not yet received email acknowledgement? - You might want to scroll back through your email. I thought I had not received acknowledgement either, then found that I was emailed as soon as I submitted, which was some time ago. -- Indeed - there it is! Thank you.

- interview scheduled by email (12/15)

Bard College, New York[]

Visiting Assistant Professor, Open

3 year appointment

Added to jil 11/19/2010

Application Deadline: December 13, 2010

SEARCH CANCELLED (email notification 12/21)

SUNY, Buffalo[]

Visiting Assistant Professor, Open

1 year appointment

Added to jil 11/19/2010

Immediate Review of materials

Is anyone else having trouble finding the post on UBJobs? (11/23/10)

-Still not functioning... they said they had a technical glitch that should be cleared soon (11/24/10)

- It is still impossible to find the posting... too strange at this point, as it is strange that the review begins immediately (11/26/10)

-It might be TG holidays, let's see what happens next week.

-UBJobs is now up and running (11/30)

-There are asking for a Cover Letter AND a Letter of Interest?? What does that mean?

I assumed it was a clerical mistake and uploaded the same letter twice.

University of Massachusetts, Boston[]

Assistant Professor, Open

Tenure Track

Application Deadline: November 22, 2010 (materials postmarked by this date)

-Search Committee is reviewing applications and will be in touch with selected candidates in early December.

-- Thanks for update. How were you informed (email or snail mail)? Email (12/1/10) (x2)

Tulane University, New Orleans LA[]

Visiting Assistant Professor, Open

One year appointment

Application Deadline: December 1, 2010

Vanderbilt U[]

Visiting Assistant Professor

One year appointment

Application Deadline:November 15, 2010

....Plus many more. Currently 26 positions on the mlajil. Not so bad for such a bad year.

--Wait. There are 8 tenure-track jobs specifically in Italian, which in reality means only 6 for modernists (no berkeley, no bucknell) or 3 for medievalists (no Berkeley, no U-Mass Amherst, no Denver, no John Carroll, no Dominican). Not to mention probably at least three of these 8 jobs already are probably destined for inside candidates (and you know where those are: those universities whose job ads expire a week after the posting date, those who already have visiting assistant professors with the identical sought specializations...). So much for a cornucopia. We are more like the poor Kafkian hunger artist.

- And what about a position that does not even have a deadline for submission? Just a distraction or a subliminal message?

Colby College, Visiting Assistant Professor or Instructor in Italian (2011-2012)[]

(Hmm... they've just hired an Assistant Professor, and now they search for a one-year visiting... Any insights on this search or on the one they've just concluded?)

Interviews Scheduled[]

Santa Monica College

Any news from anyone on this job search?


Bucknell phone interview (scheduled 10/25) x2 ...this seems early, right? SC mentioned that they want to fill the position before the end of the semester. So yes, it is early and yes, they're moving extremely fast. Strange, any sense of the back story there? I think that Bucknell knows very well where it stands as far as likability -- so to speak. They know we are desperate to have a job, and they want candidates to sign a contract before they are contacted by other schools. They are just taking advantage of current miserable state of affairs.

--- They have an inside candidate.

-- The previous poster might have just solved the riddle. Why wait if you already have your answer? Congrats to the insider, while we -- the remnants - brace for another painful year.

- They do? From what's on their website all I can tell is that they have two non-TT faculty members who don't fit the search criteria. Is there someone hiding in the wings?

--- One of them is teaching a course that matches exactly the only specific requirement they pointed out :(

-- This is true, but they have new program requirements based on the recently adopted Core Curriculum. They need some one who actually does Renaissance, can teach Dante, and does both of those things in English (and can teach a little Italian on the side). Their "inside candidate" isn't a Med/Ren person, so I doubt that they could hire her for the position given the parameters of the ad. The market is sad enough as it is, let's not start jumping at shadows.

---I hate to say it, but then why are they interviewing other modernists?

-- How do you know the other candidates are modernists? --I think it's safe to assume that the previous poster both had a phone interview and is a modernist.

- See below for latest. While just the luck of the draw, inside candidates seem particularly painful in such a dismal market. *sigh*

--I'm a modernist, and I had a phone interview with Bucknell on 10/26. I haven't heard anything from them since. Would it kill them to send a one-line email telling a candidate that he/she is no longer in the running!? Sheesh!

--Received an email stating that they had made their choice and that the candidate accepted the offer. Congratulations to the chosen person!

San Diego State University

- "Skype intervew scheduled (11/8 by phone)"... Found it on the Comp Lit. Wiki

-Any internal candidate here? Maybe a Russian one?

- For what it's worth, I heard from a faculty member in a literature department there that the search committee head (a Russian) would prefer a Russian.

Gettysburg College

- Phone interviews scheduled (week 11/8)

Franklin College Switzerland

- Short-listed candidates contacted by email (11/24)

University of Denver

- MLA Interviews scheduled by phone (11/24) (x2, 11/29)

- HUGE inside candidate! Gosh this is turning into Italy with its crappy academia...

--Thank you! I didn't want to seem too paranoid (two inside candidate jobs out of the 8 or so jobs out there? no!) but seriously...

- Being an inside candidate is not always an advantage. The committee knows the inside candidate's strengths but it is also very much aware of his/her weaknesses. And if they are looking for the best they can get... well, maybe that is why they are spending their money going to the MLA instead of doing Skype interviews...

-- That is a big IF. See last year Buffalo, Stony Brook, etc... I am not blaming them, however. It's just the way it is. And, no, it has little to nothing to do with a crappy Italian system: try to be in a classroom where a very respected professor tells you, first day of the semester, that you should get the hell out of there and study something else if you want to have an academic career...

Dominican University

- MLA interview scheduled by email (x3, 12/2, 12/7)

University of Massachusetts, Boston

- MLA interview scheduled by email (12/7) (x2 12/7) I was offered a choice of 14 time-slots at the MLA. I'm assuming this means that they don't have more than 14 candidates still in the running.

- You are assuming that you were the first candidate contacted, hence 14 interviewees. That's all.

  • I too was offered a choice of 14 time-slots (Thursday--2, 3, 4; Friday, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 2; Saturday, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 2, 3; Sunday, 2, 3). Are these the same you received in the email?
  • That's the email I received too. (12/13/10)

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

- MLA interview scheduled by email (12/8)

University of Southern California

-Just saw this on the French page, it's the same job: "USC - MLA interview scheduled by email & phone (12/10)"

Colorado College

Rejection email today (12/15). (x2 - at least they were prompt and kindly worded) (x3. I agree about the promptness. And it is not easy to write mass rejection letteres... but is it really necessary to say that you were impress with the dossier of ALL your applicants, included those who probably were not qualified?) - well it certainly doesn't hurt anyone!

MLA Interview scheduled by email (12/15).

Colby College

MLA Interview scheduled by email (12/8)

UC Berkeley

Rejection e-mail today (12/20)

Vanderbilt University

MLA Interview scheduled by email (12/15)

Tulane University

Telephone interview scheduled by email (1/5)

SUNY Buffalo

Telephone interview scheduled (1/10)

MLA experience[]

How did things go a the MLA? A total nightmare or just mildly traumatic?

- oh, somewhere in the middle. growing more traumatic as campus visit invitations begin to be noted...

- I second that... The MLA wasn't traumatic, this week of waiting and learning disappointing news has been...

- Same here and I am wondering... do people get back to your kind "Thank you notes"?

- Does everyone send thank you notes? I didn't. Do you send cards or emails? To everyone who interviewed you individually? Thank you for your advice...

-- I (not OP) send one thank you card to the committee and address the envelope to search chair et al. I don't think there's a right and wrong here - or that you shoot yourself in the foot by not sending a thank you. It's just a nice gesture, especially given that we'll continue to run into these folks at conferences, etc.

-- Thank you!

Campus Visits Scheduled[]

Can folks indicate if they are a (x2) for a campus visit? I'm curious how many people schools are inviting in this climate.

-- Any word on the U. Mass Boston or Amherst jobs?

U Mass Boston

Rejection email (1/26) x3


Colleague from former dept. has on-campus interview this week (11/15). Colleague in question is a Med/Ren specialist as the ad requested, but rumors of an inside candidate with Modern specialization are apparently true.

Franklin College

Finalists for on-campus interview selected (12/16)

-- Are there any finalists not based in Italy?

-- And it's only two finalists for campus interviews.

University of Denver

Campus interview selected by phone (11/1)

--It should be a relief to know that the inside candidate here did not make the final cut. Three cheers for a more impartial search process!

--- Hmmm... " more impartial"??? They obviously were not happy (whatever the reason may be) with the internal candidate - whom they knew very well, see comments above - and clearly let him/her go.

--Actually, the reason he wasn't hired was apparently because his publication record was inferior compared to the competition. There were even associate professors applying to this position, according to a faculty member there.

- You seem to have a few confidential informations which normally are in possess only of SC. Faculties should be very careful and keep the search process confidential in the interest of everybody. This is just my opinion. I don't know if I would want to work in a place where confidentiality of a search ends up on wiki.

- Agree! Seems very unprofessional to leak out such info (regardless of whether true or not).

Colorado College

on-campus interview scheduled by email (1/11)

Dominican University

Campus interview scheduled by email (1/10)

-- Campus interview scheduled by phone (1/8).

Eastman School of Music

Campus interview scheduled by phone (1/13) (x3)

Colby College

campus interview scheduled by email (1/14)

Emory University

Campus interview scheduled by email (1/14) x2


Campus visits scheduled. (x4)

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Campus visit invitation via email (1/25)

- Internal candidate here?

SUNY Buffalo

Campus visit scheduled by phone (1/27)

Offers Extended/Accepted[]

- Bucknell job offered to another candidate (perhaps the inside candidate?), notified by email. How would you know this information? If you are the candidate who got the position, congratulations!

- Colorado College made an offer.

- SUNY Buffalo made an offer.

- Eastman School of Music (University of Rochester) made an offer to a candidate, notified by phone. (2/9) Presumably accepted as rejections to other candidates were sent by snail mail.

- Dominican CANCELLED its search, citing lack of promised funding from state legislature. Would have been nice to have been notified earlier, especially since job talk was scheduled for next week. ++ How did you find out this information?

--I was called by head of search committee yesterday.

- University of Massachusetts Boston job offered to candidate. (end-feb)

Presumably accepted as other candidates rejected by e-mail.

Yes, accepted.

- UMass Amherst offered and accepted (2/28)

- Colby College made an offer, accepted by candidate (end-Feb)

- SUNY Buffalo's offer was accepted (early March)

- Eastman's offer was accepted (early March)

- I have heard that Berkeley's offer was accepted (mid March). Anyone would like to confirm?

- any news on Tulane?

- Or the Bucknell VAP? Has an offer been made yet

  • Offer has been made, waiting for acceptance (4/3)
  • Position has been accepted by a PhD candidate from UNC-Chaple Hill (5/27)

-- USC position offered and accepted. Should really be in French, not Italian, section. 3/28

Relevant Reading/Viewing[]
