Academic Jobs Wiki

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Positions in Arabic Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching in academia and beyond, 2016/17 job application season.

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American University of Beirut (LEB) - Assistant Professor in Modern Arabic Literature and Literary Theory - Deadline: Oct. 31[]

  • Skype interview 12/06 

American University of Beirut (LEB)- Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (Open Rank). Deadline: 31 Oct[]

American University of Sharjah (UAE) - Assistant/Associate Professor of Modern Arabic Literature. Deadline: 24 Oct[]

American University of Sharjah (UAE) - Assitant/Associate Professor in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL). Deadline: 24 Oct[]

Columbia University (NY) - Assistant Professor in Arabic Literature. Deadline: 28 Oct[]

No news 11/15

No news 12/8 (anyone else?)

Nope! But does that surprise anyone? Maybe they'll send the failed search email just after winter break. 

They held campus visits from mid-Feb. to the first week of March. No preliminary skype or conference interviews.

Durham University (UK) - Lecturer in Arabic. Deadline: 20 Nov (GMT)[]

  • We welcome applications from exceptional scholars with a research specialism in Arabic studies that fits with the research priorities of the School of Modern Languages and Cultures. We would especially invite applications from candidates in literary or visual studies. The post is also open to candidates who specialise in comparative literary, cultural and/or visual studies.
  • NOTE: This is a Lecturer position in the UK system, which is comparable to tenure-track Assistant Professor in the US system and includes a 3-year probationary period.
  • Skype Interview requested 1/27

Georgia Institute of Technology (GA) - Associate Professor of Arabic - Deadline: 3 Nov[]

  • An early Associate Professor of Arabic language and cultures, modern Arabic literature, or interdisciplinary Middle East Studies, with an established record of program-building in any of these areas, and preference for a secondary concentration in French.

Grossmont/Cuyamaca Community College District (CA) - TT Arabic Instructor - Deadline: 9 Nov[]

Howard University (DC) - Department Chair, World Languages and Cultures. Deadline: 15 Dec[]

  • The Department of World Languages and Cultures (DWLC) in the College of Arts and Sciences at Howard University in Washington, DC is seeking a visionary leader, outstanding scholar and experienced administrator to serve as Chair of the Department. DWLC currently has 33 full-time and 4 part time faculty members. It offers the B.A. degree in Spanish and French and provides minors and coursework in German, Russian, Arabic, Amharic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Swahili, Wolof, Yoruba, Zulu and Haitian Creole.

Candidates should have a strong recognized record of exemplary scholarship and innovative interdisciplinary research and significant teaching in one or more of the world language and culture disciplines offered by the department. The successful candidate must be qualified to be appointed as a Full Professor.

Kent State University - Assistant or Associate Professor of Translation Studies. No deadline listed.[]

Ohio State University (OH) - Middle East and Islamic Studies Librarian. Deadline: 10 Sept[]

Ohio State University (OH) - M.S. Sofia Chair in Arabic Studies. Deadline: 1 Nov[]

  • Applicants should be at the rank of Associate or Full Professor. The preferred field of specialization is pre-modern Arabic Islamic texts and traditions or classical Arabic language and literature. Areas of expertise may include Qur'an and tradition literature, pre-Islamic poetry, philosophy, Islamic theology, belles-lettres, and Arabic grammar and lexicography, among others.

University of Cambridge (UK) - Reader or Senior University Lecturer in Classical Arabic Studies. Deadline: 30 Nov[]

  • The main area covered by the post is Classical Arabic Studies with specialism in one or more of the following: legal thought (fiqh); dialectical theology and/or philosophy (kalam/falsafah); Qur’an and Qur’anic exegesis (tafsir); history (tarikh).

University of Connecticut (CT) - Assistant Professor of Arabic. Deadline: 1 Dec[]

  • Earned Ph.D. in Arabic Studies or related field in hand by May 30, 2017; primary specialization in classical Arabic literature with ability to teach a broader chronological spectrum of Arabic texts through the contemporary period; native or near native fluency in Arabic. Preferred Qualifications: Research and/or teaching interests in any of the following areas: Maghrebi and/or Mediterranean Studies; Judeo-Arabic culture and literature; classical antiquity and Arabic thought; medieval to early modern Arabic historiography.

Anyone hear anything on this? Are people getting interviews? Campus invites? 

No news at all. (1/27)

Has an offer been made?

University of Tennessee (TN) - Assistant Professor of Arabic (Tenure-Track) - Deadline: 1 Nov[]

  • Preference will be given to candidates who could teach one undergraduate course in French per year, along with three in Arabic. Specialization is open, but those with expertise in linguistics, pedagogy, classical Arabic, medieval studies, or global studies are especially encouraged to apply.
  • Update: contacted for Skype interview 11/25/16.
  • Campus interview scheduled 12/18/16 x3
  • Offer made: 2/22/17
  • If someone has accepted the offer and feels comfortable identifying themselves, could we hear who is taking the job?  
  • ^ We'll hear in August anyway, won't we? Frankly, if it were me, I wouldn't announce that before I've actually signed the paperwork in the fall and gotten the keys to the office. Uncertain times and all that.... 

University of Toronto (CAN) - Assistant Professor of Modern Arabic Literature. Deadline: 15 Nov[]

  • Contacted for Skype interview on 12/2.
  • Campus visit invitation sent 12/15

Wofford College (SC) - TT Assistant Professor of Arabic - Deadline: 21 Oct[]

Contacted by e-mail to do Arabic interview. (11/4/16)

How did you hear?

Any news here after the skype interview?

^ Was there a separate Skype job interview in addition to the Arabic interview or were they one in the same?

^ Second the above question. I wrote the initial entry about the e-mail for an Arabic interview, which was by phone. No news since then, and no Skype interview.

Campus interview 12/14


See also: Humanities and Social Sciences Postdocs 2016-17[]

UC Santa Barbara (CA) - Postdoctoral Scholar and Lecturer in Arabic Language and Literature. Deadline: 19 June[]

Washington and Lee University (VA) - Arabic Language and Literature Postdoc. Deadline: 1 Aug[]

Washington and Lee University invites applications for a five-month postdoctoral fellowship in Arabic language and literature, beginning 1 January 2018.


Aarhus University (Denmark) - Teaching Assistant Professor of Arabic. Deadline: 4 June.[]

  • MA in TAFL or related field required.

University of Chicago (IL) – Lecturer in Arabic Language. Review Begins: April 28[]

Brandeis University (MA) - Lecturer in Arabic Language. Deadline: 25 Oct.[]

Columbia University - Lecturer/Associate in Discipline - Arabic Language Instruction. Deadline: 2 May.[]

Cornell University (NY) - Lecturer of Arabic. Deadline: 31 Dec[]

  • rejection e-mail (2/14)

Cornell University (NY) - Teaching Associate or Visiting Lecturer in Arabic Language. Deadline: 15 June.[]

Georgetown University - Teaching Assistant Professor of Arabic. Deadline: 25 May[]

  • This is a 3-year continuing position. PhD in hand required.

Harvard University - Preceptor in Modern Standard Arabic. Deadline: 17 March[]

Indiana University-Bloomington - Lecturer in Arabic, Flagship Program. Deadline: 7 July[]

Johns Hopkins University (MD) - Lecturer in Arabic. Deadline: 1 Dec[]

  • Starting date SPRING 2017.

Michigan State University (MI) - Fixed Term Position in Arabic Language Teaching. Deadline: 1 Dec[]

Middlebury College (VT) - Visiting Assistant-Professor of Arabic (3-year position). Deadline: Review starts immediately[]

  • rejection e-mail (2/13)

Princeton University (NJ) - MSA Lecturer. Deadline: 9 Dec (Extended)[]

The George Washington University (DC) - Teaching Instructor of Arabic. Deadline: 19 Dec[]

  • Egyptian dialect required.

University of California, Davis - Arabic Lecturer. Deadline: 10 April[]

University of Maryland College Park - Lecturer in Arabic. Deadline 31 March[]

University of Maryland College Park (MD) - Senior Lecturer in Arabic. Deadline: 15 Nov or until filled[]

  • Job requires a Bachelor’s degree. Must have some graduate coursework in Arabic language, Arabic pedagogy, or related field. Must have the following prior experience: Experience teaching Arabic calligraphy; Experience teaching 2 Arabic dialects.

University of Michigan (MI) - Lecturer III in Arabic Language. Deadline: 10 Nov[]

University of Nevada Reno (NV) - Lecturer, World Languages and Literatures (Arabic) - Deadline: Oct. 28[]

University of North Carolina at Charlotte (NC) - Lecturer in Arabic. Deadline: 17 Oct[]

University of Oklahoma - Lecturer (PhD)/Instructor (MA) in Arabic. Review starts immediately.[]

  • This is a five-year renewable appointment.

University of Rhode Island - Lecturer in Arabic. Deadline: Feb 10 (second deadline: Feb 25)[]

University of Texas at Austin - Lecturer of Arabic. Deadline: Jul 1[]

Western Kentucky University (KY) - Instructor of Arabic. Deadline: 25 Nov or until filled[]

  • This is a two-year position, contingent upon U.S. Department of Education grant funding.


Oberlin College Cooper International Learning Center (Oberlin, OH) - Director of CILC. Posted 26 April, open until filled.[]

United Nations (New York Offices) - Arabic Instructor, Full Time. Deadline: 11 May[]

Full-time Arabic Instructor at the United Nations (New York offices)
